Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bad Blogger!! Bad Blogger!!

I should be ashamed of myself! All I do is stalk * I mean look at other blogs, but have a hard time posting on my blog! It seems like I have these really cute ideas to talk about, but when I get to the computer, my mind goes blank. (It tends to go blank quite often throughout the day though). So, a small little Olivia update, cuz that is all that is going on in my life right now...
..she is now starting to repeat some words...just like I was cooking tonight, and holding onto her (I know, it's dangerous, but seriously, how else do you cook dinner with a screaming toddler at your feet?) and I was trying to teach her "hot!" exaggerating it, and pulling my arm back...it was cute that she repeated the word and the action.
...she loves to lotion herself up after bath, and loves to try to put her pants on...mostly her little swimmers, she can get up to three on a leg--it's pretty humerous.
...she can wipe her nose...we will say "wipe your nose!" and she will put the kleenex up to her nose...and on another note she tries to wipe herself when I change her diaper with a diaper wipe...kinda funny
...gosh, she is saying more words, but of course (mind is blank) I can't think of a d*mn one!!

We went to the Deanna Rose petting zoo this past weekend, it was pretty fun! Here are a few pics!! She is my little artist in training!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Oh wow, it's September already!!

Wow. I've been so busy. Full time working moms, how do you do it? I really haven't posted because I just haven't had the time or energy. I seriously can't wait to start working part time. Last week in September, man, I hope I can last that long. :)
So, updates....
***school is...well, school. There are good days, and bad days, good classes and bad classes. It's not too bad though. I am always thinking of if I wasn't teaching, what else would I be doing, and would I enjoy it more?

****my birthday was the 6th, and I am in my last year of my 20's. Kinda freaked out about that. 30 isn't old at all, but it is getting up there...I don't feel any older though (well, except for the regular aches and pains...)

****Olivia will be 16 months this month on the 24th. So far, she can say
banana hi
bear bye-bye
shoe cat
sit (sounds more like another word) dog
I know there are more, but that is what I can think of. Right now, dirt and sticks are the girl's best friends. She will tool around for hours picking up sticks or playing in the garden if I would let her. I really don't like it, but she is having fun. She will point to the things that she wants, and has the best temper tantrums around!! She loves to save her whiny/crying ones for me when I get home. Love that. Any way, here are a few pics from the past month...

From the garden

Friday, August 24, 2007

First week down!!

So, I finally finished the first week of school--with the students. Went through the first day do's/don't's about 18 times. I AM EXHAUSTED. For those who work and have full time jobs, in addition to a baby, I don't know how you do it. I can hardly keep my eyes open. I was going over a lot of the things I say to Gregg, and he thought it was funny..."...oh, I am so sad to see (insert table number) isn't following directions..." "...raise your hands if you can tell me what is NOT ok to touch in the Art Room?" "....oh, I love how (insert table number) looks ready spagetti to line up..." The list can go on. I have to go by table numbers because there is no way I can have all of their names memorized right now. They really have no clue, and it is pretty funny to watch me compliment one table and all other tables start scrambling around so I can call their table to compliment. Good stuff. One thing I learned this week? I am not meant for Kindergarten or First Grade. I can handle second grade, but first and K just not for me. Good thing I will only have them till the end of September. By then, I will gladly hand the reigns over to their teacher. High school was so much easier I think! I could tell them what needed to get done, we would go over it, and I would set them to work-they didn't have to hear the glue speech, (they did need the ruler speech tho), they didn't need me to see who was "ready spagetti" to start working....

I would love to post new pics of the Missy O, but she is moving way too fast for my point and shoot camera. Any ideas anyone? I would love a new camera (oh, I've got plans...) but right now it just isn't in the "Dave Ramsey Plan"....
Off for now, it's 8:00 on a Friday, and I'm ready for bed!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

This time of year just seems to get so hectic! I feel like I have a million and one things to get done, and about 2 days to do it in. Monday the kiddos come back to school--we don't see them though. It's crazy, I feel like I need another week in my room to be ready, but the funny thing is I feel more prepared this year than I have in the past at the highschool. I just hope this year sails by without any huge bumps. I just am nervous about the kiddos, I know that they are a little rougher bunch than the kids at the highschool. These guys have problems like, am I going to get something to eat tonight, where as the highschoolers biggest probblem was where were they going to get their pedicure at... Big differences, but I truely am excited. It is seeming a little easier than I expected it to be, but then again, I haven't met the kids.
Looks like I need some pics soon....

Monday, August 6, 2007

The first actual daycare day

Wow. Her first day away from me! I was so sad today!! All I kept thinking is wow, I'm kind of homesick. I really am starting to second guess this whole going to work thing. She did really well, I think that she likes being around other kids, but I don't know if the "newness" will wear off, and then she will be kicking and screaming when I leave. They play alot outside, which worries me a bit, especially since it's so hot, and she is just getting eaten up with mosquitos.

It's also got me thinking, I'm here at this new school, don't know anyone, and really don't care to. (Sad, I know). I'm trying to learn all the new ways they do things, and their procedures, all the while trying to decorate my room--I'm really just not feeling it! But anyways, all I can think about is how my old room was, how I knew everything, how easy it was to go to another teacher's room and talk, my co-workers (really close to them), just everything didn't feel right today. I was really missing my old school, even though I didn't work there this past year. I just wonder if I screwed myself over, my job was cake. Some of the students weren't, and there was a lot to complain about, but in hindsight, it was pretty easy, and easy going. I was even comparing the faculty bathrooms!! I really hate feeling out of place and being "the new guy". I know that I'm not in this position for the long haul--just this year. We really would like to upgrade our vehicle status without going into debt, so my meager salary will be dedicated to child care and savings. I just really hope that this year will fly by, and maybe I can get some passion into what I teach. Although I have thought about going back into early childhood education, or something totally different like pediatric occupational therapy. Who knows, I change on a daily basis.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Just Lounging

I took these the other day while Olivia decided to lounge in the chair...yes, she would be watching t.v. The only thing that she will sit still for longer than 5 minutes. So cute though.

New Haircut!!

After lots of contemplating, I have decided to get a new 'do for the upcoming school year. I have been really hesitant over the past few haircuts due to that tramatizing day in Februaruy where I was the recipient of an overpriced hack job. I guess I'm over it, and in the process have found a new stylist. I really like it, I am a low maintenance kind of a gal, so this really works. Of course, I have yet to style it myself, and today will be the only great hair day until the next haircut, but I will try and attempt to start looking cute and put together instead of in a ponytail and gym shorts. We will see. Who knows, makeup might be involved as well. Don't think I will go overboard though.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

School is Approaching Fast

So, yesterday was my first day trial run with the babysitter that Gregg and I picked out. I was nervous, but more so for Olivia. She hasn't really been under any one else's care, so I really just want to make the transition as smooth as possible. So, we get there, and I'm talking with the baby sitter, and Olivia is looking around for something to get into, and I started crying. It really hit me, I really wasn't prepared for this. She was only staying for a couple hours just to get used to the sitter, so I don't know why I started crying, but I did. And really, Olivia did well. She only cried when she was getting sleepy. Today was the same thing, minus me crying. I need to get acclamated just as much as she does. This is the last week I will be spending with her! It is coming to a close, I wish I could just stop time sometimes, but I guess it is just one day closer till I get to go part time. So, August and September are going to be a bit trying. Oh well. Come october, I will only be working in the mornings, so it should be a little easier.
Here are some funny pics of the other day. Seriously, I was gone long enough to pee. She can tear this house up in 2.2....

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Look at how fast she is growing up!! This pic was taken in January...she just seems like a toddler now, it's hard to believe that so much can happen in just a few months.

New Clothes

So excited about buy new clothes for school!! I am one of those really cheap people that have to find the deals. For instance, I went to the Gap Outlet (LOVE that place!!) and purchased two pairs of chinos (khaki and dark brown) and a really cool retro shirt for $75. I think that is pretty good. Went to another store and bought 4 shirts for $37. I really like the shirts, but I tend to buy the same things...they are all pretty much the fitted tee, but different. KWIM?? Is anyone else in the same rut like me?? I tend to show up in Khakis and a shirt with a cardigan pretty much every day. I'm not a fashion diva buy any means...hello, I will be teaching art to elementary kids. But sometimes I wish I would be a little more dressy...I just don't want to pay for it. Is that stupid or what???

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Summer end crunch time

So last night I seemed to be up for quite a while stressing over Olivia going to daycare, how she will do, that whole transition thing, did we pick the right person, etc. Then I start with what am I going to cook to freeze. Cuz, I'm sorry, I can't be getting home till after 4:30 then start on supper, so the plan is to make several dinners then freeze them-then all I have to worry about is sides and such. Let's see, what else was I stressing, oh...how am I going to react to the kids at school? How are they going to react to me? I'm used to middle class and I will be working with middle to lower. Not that it matters, I'm just really worried about behavioral issues and such. I'm just so nervous to be basically being it all. I don't know how everyone does it.
To top it off, now I'm tired, Olivia woke up the usual early 6:45, and has only taken an hour and a half nap. How do I get this child to sleep?! I thought for sure the park would wear her out, but nothing!

On a less stressful note, Gregg and Olivia were out the other night playing in her all time favorite toy, her beat up car. She really is so cute with it, she will hold on to the steering wheel and make the mmmmmm noise. Funny stuff!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

We are through with the bottle!!

Yeah!! Friday night we decided to try to give Olivia a cup instead of her bottle. This was the only bottle we haven't broken yet...and it was so easy!! We just gave it to her, and I think she was so darn tired, she just took it. She did the same thing on Saturday too. Now, how do you break the milk before bed?? I guess one step at a time.

On another note, Natalie and I decided to go to the scrapbook store in Kansas and work on Saturday. It was right by the Legends shopping center, so we scrapped for a while, then shopped for a while. It was great, I got a day off, and Gregg took Olivia to the park and had her all day. It felt good! I think I need to get out more often. Sometimes I think that she is just too attached to me, I love it, but I kinda feel trapped sometimes. So, I think it will be an adjustment when she goes to daycare and I go back to work. I hope it will be ok and not too tramatic. I guess we will see...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Seriously--It has to be illegal to be this cute!

Just wanted to play around with photos for a minute! I'm trying to make this a computer savy day instead!!

Yet another un-computer savy day

So, I thought I would try my luck at the blog world again...thought I could post on my old blog...but I can't figure out what my user name and or password is. Here's the kicker--I put in the wrong email addy so I can't get my password emailed to me. Brilliant I tell you.

On other notes, ok, so my child was that child last night. We were over at a friends house having dinner. They have a daughter that is 2 months older than Olivia, who was perfect of course. Olivia decided it upon herself to scream at everything. She bumped her head, it was the end of the world. She couldn't get a toy to work, it was the end of the world. She barely set through dinner. Kind of embarassing. I guess I have to remember that she just had an ear infection, has been exhausted lately, and is teething. I'm sure it would make me cranky too, but it is times like that I am ready to go back to work.