So, I have come to the realization that the dreaded haircut is needed. I thought Monday would be perfect to take the kids in to get a haircut. Olivia did fine, always has. What is not to love when you get a sucker afterwards? :) The boy was a different story. He flipped out. I made the mistake of setting him in the chair (still holding on to him), but turned to get my camera. He fell out of the chair! Poor little guy! He was ok, just a little shaken up! (Mom too, I had a hold of him, and thought he would be ok--guess I was wrong!) After I had him calmed down, I decided to try it again later this week. So today, I thought while we were running our errands, I would stop in at a different place. The minute I walked near a chair, he flipped out again. Olivia didn't mind, she ended up with another sucker. :) So, I decided to make a go of it. Here is a before shot:

And after:

I still have a little trimming to do around the sides and back a little. I have to keep the curls for a while, they are just too sweet! So, what do you think? A new career path for me?
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