At 12 mos he is:
*Walking! For the most part, he is still pretty wobbly.
*Is on milk, and eating all table foods (no baby food for him now!) I believe he is even eating more than Olivia...
*Says, Mama, Dadda, Dat (Cat) Hi, tries to repeat our words
*Waves hi
*Loves to clap, dance, and "hop" on his legs
*Found the light switch, and thinks he's big stuff when he turns the light off in the dining room! :)
*Sleeps from 7:30-8 pm to 7-7:30 am
*Is taking 1 nap a day (he could still do 2, but it is just easier to do 1 and he does fine in the mornings)
*Loves climbing the stairs (still makes mom nervous)
*Is loved on
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