Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1 Year

Today is Simon's birthday. How is it that he is 1 year already? I find it absolutely amazing my heart just swelled up bigger when he came. It's amazing that our family feels more complete with him here. It was the most perfect pregnancy and delivery. (Can labor be perfect?! Ha!) It was in my eyes, and I remember it like it was yesterday. It just couldn't have gone any better. I'm amazed at how he fits into this family of ours.

At 12 mos he is:
*Walking! For the most part, he is still pretty wobbly.
*Is on milk, and eating all table foods (no baby food for him now!) I believe he is even eating more than Olivia...
*Says, Mama, Dadda, Dat (Cat) Hi, tries to repeat our words
*Waves hi
*Loves to clap, dance, and "hop" on his legs
*Found the light switch, and thinks he's big stuff when he turns the light off in the dining room! :)
*Sleeps from 7:30-8 pm to 7-7:30 am
*Is taking 1 nap a day (he could still do 2, but it is just easier to do 1 and he does fine in the mornings)
*Loves climbing the stairs (still makes mom nervous)
*Is loved on

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