Tuesday, May 12, 2009


After days of fustrating crankiness...today after Simon woke up from his nap, I just happened to feel the ridges of a tooth coming in! Finally! 8 1/2 mos, I do believe he is taking his time in everything he does!! So, needless to say we have been seeing a lot of this...

But I like seeing this...(well, not the slobber rash by his mouth)

And who would have thought how much he loves zucchini! I LOVE making baby food!

And I can't forget our love for popsicles! (these are the healthy kind, made with strawberries and blueberries and yogurt! Would you like a popsicle? Sure!!)

And I really love to see this...
Love our $5 garage sale find! I've wanted to get this for Olivia when she was little, but was never going to pay the $40 pricetag...crazy how baby toys still intrigue preschoolers!

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