Saturday, May 30, 2009


My, what a week! I am exhausted. Spent. And been a little snippy. With a teething baby, a sick husband, and a toddler who is just so precious to me even with constant jabber. Not something I'm proud of right now. Trying to catch up on housework, laundry, daily activities, sleep, reading, everything. And it's not getting done, which is making me fustrated. Right now, as I type, I am looking forward to tomorrow. Ready to spend a little more time with the Lord. Needing his help as I navigate through another week of the same thing. Just wanting to spend a little time with HIM. Time to reflect. Trying to change my ways to be a better mother and wife. Just asking for a little patience.

And this is new. There never has been a time in my life where I have said "Can't wait to go to church!". So, I'm learning. Inviting Him into my heart. I've always known He was there, but just asked Him to stay close, but just not ready for Him to come in. Now I am. Such a hard journey, so much I'm learning about myself. So worth it though. Learning to read such a good book that I knew existed, but thought only "old people" read! HA!

And so, exhausted, yes. Praying tomorrow and next week are a little bit better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So good to read your blog! I'm one of the ones praying for you. I am so excited that you are hungering for God and His Word. He is faithful to teach and change us when we are open to Him! Take it one day at a time. :-)