Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Planting Potatos
So, this is what planting potatos looks like in my house :) Hanging around Daddy a little too much :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Because I don't want to forget...
How sweet my baby girl is...
How social she is, how she will walk right up to any little kid and start playing with them...
I hope the day doesn't come that she will be hurt by someone else's actions, or at least be the one to comfort her.
Just today we were at the park, and she walked right up and said "Hi Girl!" ...and started playing. I love my little girl.
Or this afternoon, she was in her room and came out running saying "I said Hi to the Girls!"...she was so excited to say hi out her window to some girls walking by.
I hope she keeps her social nature, she didn't get it from me. Here she is doing one of her favorite activities...

And of course I couldn't do a post without my favorite Si-man...I love how he crosses his feet!! :)
How social she is, how she will walk right up to any little kid and start playing with them...
I hope the day doesn't come that she will be hurt by someone else's actions, or at least be the one to comfort her.
Just today we were at the park, and she walked right up and said "Hi Girl!" ...and started playing. I love my little girl.
Or this afternoon, she was in her room and came out running saying "I said Hi to the Girls!"...she was so excited to say hi out her window to some girls walking by.
I hope she keeps her social nature, she didn't get it from me. Here she is doing one of her favorite activities...
And of course I couldn't do a post without my favorite Si-man...I love how he crosses his feet!! :)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Apparently, this is what we are having for dinner...
Olivia loves to bring in "flowers" from outside, and while I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready, this is what she was up to! Totally creative, I love that about her. One of her imaginary friends came over to play...and eat apparently :)">
Simon has FINALLY started rolling from his tummy to back yesterday! It's about time for him. He really doesn't mind staying put. At night, he doesn't roll or move at all, he is in the exact same position when I come and get him in the mornings! I know I need to keep him being my baby as long as possible, mobility is one step further away from babyhood, but it is exciting, and it will be nice when the are both walking. I'm sure crawling is right around the corner, he likes to rock, but then lands on his face. Olivia started crawling at 8 mos (it was Superbowl Sunday!).
This is another one of my favorites...this boy is just so good looking! I just love how he squeezes his lips together!!
And we can't forget Miss O, and her "flowers"...:) So glad it is starting to warm up so we can play outside more often!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Scrappin Saturday!!
So excited to go scrapbooking tomorrow with Angel!! Sometimes I just need a little get away time! But I will miss them while I'm away, and excited to see them when I come home. Really excited to get some more pages done, and ones that need to be finished. Also, since Beth lent me nearly all of her cricut cartridges, I'm hoping some pages will have a different flair to them. That, and since Angel and I go way back to CMSU days, it is always good to reminise. Although, there are lots that I wish to have done over. Good ole girl time really helps me remember who I am.
That's all I've soon, I promise :)
That's all I've soon, I promise :)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Here are a few pics of the kiddos: Of course, none in their clothes, these were even taken on Saturday. Not a good picture taking momma here! Opps!

This Easter was a little bit different for me. One of the blogs that I read recently lost her daughter to cancer. My husband always tells me not to read these, because I end up crying, but I can't help it. If someone out there is going through this, why should I be happy in my life? But anyways, the point is, I can't get her, her family, her friends out of my head. Which is ok, because she has helped me be closer to Him. (I wish I knew how to link because I would link to her blog) Her faith and her testimony is so real, true, and honest. I have to be honest with myself and have been struggling with religion. Wanting to get closer to God, but didn't know how. I grew up in a Catholic household, went to Catholic schools, and yet haven't felt fullfilled. So, I've been searching all the while struggling with the concept of whether it is ok to stray from Catholisism. I don't know. But I'm doing what is in my heart...probably all the while hurting my family. Anyways, we went to a church, not a catholic one, but we went to church. We listened to Praise songs, and heard what the preacher was saying. Different from what I am used to, but...I liked it. Is that wrong? The songs that were sung were beautiful, full of life! I don't think that I ever realized that He has Risen!! For me! For my family!! And do you know what I want to do? Tell everyone! What a beautiful thing! I am actually feeling again! It is what I've wanted! So much to learn, and I want to, I want to soak it all in.
This Easter was a little bit different for me. One of the blogs that I read recently lost her daughter to cancer. My husband always tells me not to read these, because I end up crying, but I can't help it. If someone out there is going through this, why should I be happy in my life? But anyways, the point is, I can't get her, her family, her friends out of my head. Which is ok, because she has helped me be closer to Him. (I wish I knew how to link because I would link to her blog) Her faith and her testimony is so real, true, and honest. I have to be honest with myself and have been struggling with religion. Wanting to get closer to God, but didn't know how. I grew up in a Catholic household, went to Catholic schools, and yet haven't felt fullfilled. So, I've been searching all the while struggling with the concept of whether it is ok to stray from Catholisism. I don't know. But I'm doing what is in my heart...probably all the while hurting my family. Anyways, we went to a church, not a catholic one, but we went to church. We listened to Praise songs, and heard what the preacher was saying. Different from what I am used to, but...I liked it. Is that wrong? The songs that were sung were beautiful, full of life! I don't think that I ever realized that He has Risen!! For me! For my family!! And do you know what I want to do? Tell everyone! What a beautiful thing! I am actually feeling again! It is what I've wanted! So much to learn, and I want to, I want to soak it all in.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Not a good blogger at all
Well, it seems that the Mac and blogger really don't want to work well together sometimes, that, or it's just me. :) Probably the latter. Here are some updates:
Simon is 7 months:
-found out how to clap the other day
-Loves to eat grean beans and pears!
-Sleeps wonderfully throughout the night
-Still doesn't have any teeth...should be soon by the way he's acting!
-Weighs around 20 lbs
-Has such a happy demeanor
-Loves his big sister!!
Olivia is having fun with the Si-man herself!!
She now has found out she can get out of bed-yeah, that has led to many interesting moments :)
-Is going to start pre-school in the fall
-Loves imaginary play
-Loves going to the library
-Is growing like a weed!
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