Saturday, June 13, 2009

Seperation Anxiety

We have been sailing the seperation anxiety waters lately. So bittersweet. I LOVE that Simon knows that he is safe and secure with me, but at the same time, it is a litte fustrating. I can't leave the room without him starting to whimper. Oh the life. I know that this too shall pass, so instead of wishing for this phase to hurry up, I have been trying to sail with the ups and downs.
Today I tried to get him in for his 9 month such luck. The minute I put him down, he flipped out. So, we shalll see if tomorrow is any better. If not, I tried to take some of him myself, and these will have to suffice the grandparents.
If only he wasn't holding the brush...

And here are a few more of my favorites...
I LOVE taking pictures, it is something that I've always liked to do, someday, if I ever learn how photography works, I would love to do it the meantime, my wishlist grows.... lenses
...a flash
...I can go on...

Love the outside pics. Yes, the grass is a bit long. He'll mow it tomorrow when he gets home. Maybe then I can get some more shots of the kiddos outside.

And so, with this seperation anxiety, I am anticipating a major meltdown tomorrow at church. Praying it doesn't happen, but will be expecting one.

**ETA, I have no idea how the pic of Olivia showed up, I must have put the wrong pic in, and am not an HTML genius, so I don't know how to delete, so just ignore!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Those photos are really cute, even if they're not professional ones. :)