The night before, I was busy putting the finishing touches on Olivia's outfit for Valentine's Day! I had found this shirt at target on I just cut up some old knit fabrics that I had on hand to make the hearts...the buttons came off an old pair of p.j.s. I like how it turned out.
I was glad that Gregg took off because that meant I could help out at Olivia's party. It is so fun to see these kindergarteners excited!
Making candy necklaces.
The green table.
So to help celebrate our Valentine's day, I had picked up to Papa Murphy's heart pizzas. That is all the kiddos have talked about since picking them up. From dealing with Simon and the stress about the house, the new t.v. wasn't working, and at&t not only messed up our bill, but was messing up our ports. I just put the pizza in the oven...only to find out about 10 minutes later, it was on fire. Like panic, the pizza is on fire...go get the extinguisher. Total mom fail. Good thing we were not the only ones eating at McDonald's for valentines. By the time we were done with Olivia's gymnastics class, I was ready for the day to be over with. Now, how do I clean an oven?
1 comment:
Oh what a day!! Hope your hubby gets better soon. I love olivias outfit!
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